Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day Number 2

Ok so we were so tired after the first day we all fell asleep, but here it is 7 o clock on the second day. Were back in the hotel taking naps and getting ready for tonight. LOL. Man who would have thought 6 hours of walking could be so tiring. At least we finally got the public transit down that helps a lot.


Anonymous said...

HEY my SONS!!! Excuse me??? BRhett who's beHIND are you warming your hand on? WOW this is awesome seeing all of you on here!! BE SAFE HAVE FUN and know you are loved!!!

B-rett said...

um that would be jennifer lopez

Skally said...
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Melissa C. said...

Brett I stay clear, looks like skally has found his match, and as for Rob two words.... ya man.
Love, Mom